About Us

Medical Vita Diet Background

Since 1987

Medical Vita Diet

The Program

How does the Vita Diet weight loss program work?

The Vita Diet 5 Simple Steps?

Does it really make you lose weight?

Vita Diet Usage Guide


Turn your body into a fat burning machine!

What is Ketosis?

Vita Diet Ketone Sticks

Download Ketone Sticks Instructions Booklet

Vita Diet, time to try it!

Whether you want to lose 5kg to 50kgs+ or just want something healthy and nutritious for lunch or on the go, Vita Diet has you covered.

To get started on our weight loss program we highly recommend our Vita Diet DIY Starter Pack as it contains everything you will need to start the program.

Vita Diet DIY Starter Pack

Vita Diet Mixed 14 Box

Vita Diet 2 in 1 Dr’s Guide & Recipe Book

Vita Diet Ketone Sticks 50 Pack

Vita Diet 500ml Plastic Shaker

Vita Diet Body Tape Measure

Instructions & Tips

Understanding and knowing how and why the Vita Diet program works is essential to losing weight and keeping it off.

So first, read…

Vita Diet Usage Guide – Click Here for phone version

The Vita Diet usage guide outlines the 5 simple steps and instructions to the program, plus it has the allowed food list you can have while on the weight loss program. If followed correctly, participants can expect to lose up to 3 kgs in their first week.

Dr Holloway’s Guide to The Medical Vita Diet

The guide was originally written back in 1987 to assist doctors with their patients.  It covers everything from weight loss to maintenance and will give you a complete understanding of the Vita Diet.

Now you have a good understanding of why and how the program works, planning ahead will really help you make your weight loss goal a reality.

 Plan your meals for the week.

Benefits of planning your meals for the week include;

  • Each day you will know what you are having for dinner and therefore you won’t be tempted to break your diet with, for example; a sneaky uber eats delivery or that meat pie for lunch from the fast food truck.
  • Those with families will be able to plan the meals so everyone is happy.
  • Will help with grocery shopping.


Don’t run out of Vita Diet

One of the biggest reasons people go off our program, is they accidentally run out of their Vita Diet supplements. Due to Covid, slow delivery times and stock shortages in pharmacies can occur. Therefore, when running low, maybe increase your topup supply of your favourites to avoid disappointment.

Speak to your local pharmacy, doctor or contact the Vita Diet head office.

We can be contacted by phone, email or socials.

Ph AU: 1300 742 537 (SHAKES)

Ph NZ: +64 09 889 8387

Email: info@vitadiet.com.au

Instagram: Vitadiet

Facebook: Vitadiet1

Facebook Support Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/377919752819339

The Vita Diet New Zealand and Australia support fb group page is excellent and inspiring. All of its current members offer support, recipes, weight loss stories, results and much more…

Our head office also likes to assist in any Q & A about the product or program so joining is a must.


Thank you for all your support

We love our customers dearly and would like to thank you for your support.

Supporting us means many things, but above all, it means we can continue to help our community through great products and jobs through-out Australia and New Zealand.

Without your support, Vita Diet wouldn’t be where it is today, and for that, we are so grateful.

If you do like our product and support, sharing your experience on the product review site would not only help us create awareness about Vita Diet but will also help future newbies trying to work out whether Vita Diet will help them achieve their goals too.